A Tool for the creation of p5.js sketches

A simple app for the creation of p5.js sketches. Similar to OpenFrameworks-Project Creator and Cinder-TinderBox, this app will create a directory with all dependencies (html, css, js, etc.) required for a p5.js project.

Compatible with OSX 10.7 and above
Source Code



Sketch Name
Obvious. The name of your sketch.

Sketchbook Location
The save location of your sketch. Default is ~/Documents/Processing/ Use the "..." to choose a path to desired folder.

Checkboxes for adding hooks for events. Mouse, Touch, and Keyboard are baked into p5.js. Drag and Drop is my own implementation and not part of the p5.js core.

Additional JavaScript Libraries/Addons
Add source files of any additional JavaScript libraries. Load ordering can be adjusted by dragging rows. This means the tool could easily be used for easily scaffolding for other frameworks two.js, paper.js, etc.

Include bundled CSS styles
The included CSS only makes things prettier, it is not required for p5.js.

Open in browser on creation
Opens created sketch within the browser. Watch the overview video to see how to use the browser as an IDE.

Suppress overwrite warnings
Avoid pop-up warnings for overwriting sketch files with same name.